
final class ProcessIO extends AnyRef

This class is used to control the I/O of every scala.sys.process.Process. The functions used to create it will be called with the process streams once it has been started. It might not be necessary to use ProcessIO directly – scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder can return the process output to the caller, or use a scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger which avoids direct interaction with a stream. One can even use the factories at BasicIO to create a ProcessIO , or use its helper methods when creating one’s own ProcessIO .

When creating a ProcessIO , it is important to close all streams when finished, since the JVM might use system resources to capture the process input and output, and will not release them unless the streams are explicitly closed.

ProcessBuilder will call writeInput , processOutput and processError in separate threads, and if daemonizeThreads is true, they will all be marked as daemon threads.

Instance Constructors From scala.sys.process.ProcessIO

new ProcessIO(in: (OutputStream) ⇒ Unit, out: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit, err: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit)

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

Value Members From scala.sys.process.ProcessIO

def daemonized(): ProcessIO

Creates a new ProcessIO , with daemonizeThreads true.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

val processError: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit

Function that will be called with the InputStream from which all error output of the process must be read from. This will be called in a newly spawned thread.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

val processOutput: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit

Function that will be called with the InputStream from which all normal output of the process must be read from. This will be called in a newly spawned thread.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

def withError(process: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit): ProcessIO

Creates a new ProcessIO with a different handler for the error output.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

def withInput(write: (OutputStream) ⇒ Unit): ProcessIO

Creates a new ProcessIO with a different handler for the process input.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

def withOutput(process: (InputStream) ⇒ Unit): ProcessIO

Creates a new ProcessIO with a different handler for the normal output.

(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

val writeInput: (OutputStream) ⇒ Unit

Function that will be called with the OutputStream to which all input to the process must be written. This will be called in a newly spawned thread. (defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessIO)

Full Source:

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package sys
package process

import processInternal._

/** This class is used to control the I/O of every
  * [[scala.sys.process.Process]]. The functions used to create it will be
  * called with the process streams once it has been started. It might not be
  * necessary to use `ProcessIO` directly --
  * [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] can return the process output to the
  * caller, or use a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger]] which avoids direct
  * interaction with a stream. One can even use the factories at `BasicIO` to
  * create a `ProcessIO`, or use its helper methods when creating one's own
  * `ProcessIO`.
  * When creating a `ProcessIO`, it is important to ''close all streams'' when
  * finished, since the JVM might use system resources to capture the process
  * input and output, and will not release them unless the streams are
  * explicitly closed.
  * `ProcessBuilder` will call `writeInput`, `processOutput` and `processError`
  * in separate threads, and if daemonizeThreads is true, they will all be
  * marked as daemon threads.
  * @param writeInput Function that will be called with the `OutputStream` to
  *                   which all input to the process must be written. This will
  *                   be called in a newly spawned thread.
  * @param processOutput Function that will be called with the `InputStream`
  *                      from which all normal output of the process must be
  *                      read from. This will be called in a newly spawned
  *                      thread.
  * @param processError Function that will be called with the `InputStream` from
  *                     which all error output of the process must be read from.
  *                     This will be called in a newly spawned thread.
  * @param daemonizeThreads Indicates whether the newly spawned threads that
  *                         will run `processOutput`, `processError` and
  *                         `writeInput` should be marked as daemon threads.
  * @note Failure to close the passed streams may result in resource leakage.
final class ProcessIO(
  val writeInput: OutputStream => Unit,
  val processOutput: InputStream => Unit,
  val processError: InputStream => Unit,
  val daemonizeThreads: Boolean
) {
  def this(in: OutputStream => Unit, out: InputStream => Unit, err: InputStream => Unit) = this(in, out, err, false)

  /** Creates a new `ProcessIO` with a different handler for the process input. */
  def withInput(write: OutputStream => Unit): ProcessIO   = new ProcessIO(write, processOutput, processError, daemonizeThreads)

  /** Creates a new `ProcessIO` with a different handler for the normal output. */
  def withOutput(process: InputStream => Unit): ProcessIO = new ProcessIO(writeInput, process, processError, daemonizeThreads)

  /** Creates a new `ProcessIO` with a different handler for the error output. */
  def withError(process: InputStream => Unit): ProcessIO  = new ProcessIO(writeInput, processOutput, process, daemonizeThreads)

  /** Creates a new `ProcessIO`, with `daemonizeThreads` true. */
  def daemonized(): ProcessIO = new ProcessIO(writeInput, processOutput, processError, true)