
trait DecorateAsScala extends AnyRef

Value Members From scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala

implicit def asScalaBufferConverter[A](l: java.util.List[A]): Decorators.AsScala[Buffer[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java List to a Scala mutable Buffer .

The returned Scala Buffer is backed by the provided Java List and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java List was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asList(scala.collection.mutable.Buffer) then the original Scala Buffer will be returned.

  • l
    • The List to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable Buffer view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def asScalaIteratorConverter[A](i: java.util.Iterator[A]): Decorators.AsScala[Iterator[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Iterator to a Scala Iterator .

The returned Scala Iterator is backed by the provided Java Iterator and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java Iterator was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asIterator(scala.collection.Iterator) then the original Scala Iterator will be returned.

  • i
    • The Iterator to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala Iterator view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def asScalaSetConverter[A](s: java.util.Set[A]): Decorators.AsScala[mutable.Set[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Set to a Scala mutable Set .

The returned Scala Set is backed by the provided Java Set and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java Set was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asSet(scala.collection.mutable.Set) then the original Scala Set will be returned.

  • s
    • The Set to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable Set view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def collectionAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i: Collection[A]): Decorators.AsScala[Iterable[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Collection to an Scala Iterable .

If the Java Collection was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asCollection(scala.collection.SizedIterable) then the original Scala SizedIterable will be returned.

  • i
    • The Collection to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala SizedIterable view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def dictionaryAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](p: Dictionary[A, B]): Decorators.AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Dictionary to a Scala mutable Map[String, String] . The returned Scala Map[String, String] is backed by the provided Java Dictionary and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

  • p
    • The Dictionary to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable Map[String, String] view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def enumerationAsScalaIteratorConverter[A](i: java.util.Enumeration[A]): Decorators.AsScala[Iterator[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Enumeration to a Scala Iterator .

The returned Scala Iterator is backed by the provided Java Enumeration and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java Enumeration was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asEnumeration(scala.collection.Iterator) then the original Scala Iterator will be returned.

  • i
    • The Enumeration to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala Iterator view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def iterableAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i: java.lang.Iterable[A]): Decorators.AsScala[Iterable[A]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Iterable to a Scala Iterable .

The returned Scala Iterable is backed by the provided Java Iterable and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java Iterable was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asIterable(scala.collection.Iterable) then the original Scala Iterable will be returned.

  • i
    • The Iterable to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala Iterable view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def mapAsScalaConcurrentMapConverter[A, B](m: ConcurrentMap[A, B]): Decorators.AsScala[concurrent.Map[A, B]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java ConcurrentMap to a Scala mutable concurrent.Map . The returned Scala concurrent.Map is backed by the provided Java ConcurrentMap and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java ConcurrentMap was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of mapAsScalaConcurrentMap(scala.collection.mutable.ConcurrentMap) then the original Scala concurrent.Map will be returned.

  • m
    • The ConcurrentMap to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable concurrent.Map view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def mapAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](m: java.util.Map[A, B]): Decorators.AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Map to a Scala mutable Map . The returned Scala Map is backed by the provided Java Map and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

If the Java Map was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit call of asMap(scala.collection.mutable.Map) then the original Scala Map will be returned.

If the wrapped map is synchronized (e.g. from java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap ), it is your responsibility to wrap all non-atomic operations with underlying.synchronized . This includes get , as java.util.Map ‘s API does not allow for an atomic get when null values may be present.

  • m
    • The Map to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable Map view of the argument.

(defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

implicit def propertiesAsScalaMapConverter(p: Properties): Decorators.AsScala[mutable.Map[String, String]]

Adds an asScala method that implicitly converts a Java Properties to a Scala mutable Map[String, String] . The returned Scala Map[String, String] is backed by the provided Java Properties and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.

  • p
    • The Properties to be converted.
  • returns
    • An object with an asScala method that returns a Scala mutable Map[String, String] view of the argument. (defined at scala.collection.convert.DecorateAsScala)

Full Source:

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |           **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package convert

import java.{ lang => jl, util => ju }, java.util.{ concurrent => juc }
import Decorators._
import WrapAsScala._
import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait DecorateAsScala {
   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Iterator` to
   * a Scala `Iterator`.
   * The returned Scala `Iterator` is backed by the provided Java `Iterator`
   * and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible
   * via the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `Iterator` was previously obtained from an implicit or
   * explicit call of `asIterator(scala.collection.Iterator)` then the
   * original Scala `Iterator` will be returned.
   * @param i The `Iterator` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala
   *         `Iterator` view of the argument.
  implicit def asScalaIteratorConverter[A](i : ju.Iterator[A]): AsScala[Iterator[A]] =
    new AsScala(asScalaIterator(i))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Enumeration`
   * to a Scala `Iterator`.
   * The returned Scala `Iterator` is backed by the provided Java
   * `Enumeration` and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface
   * will be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `Enumeration` was previously obtained from an implicit or
   * explicit call of `asEnumeration(scala.collection.Iterator)` then the
   * original Scala `Iterator` will be returned.
   * @param i The `Enumeration` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala
   *         `Iterator` view of the argument.
  implicit def enumerationAsScalaIteratorConverter[A](i : ju.Enumeration[A]): AsScala[Iterator[A]] =
    new AsScala(enumerationAsScalaIterator(i))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Iterable` to
   * a Scala `Iterable`.
   * The returned Scala `Iterable` is backed by the provided Java `Iterable`
   * and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible
   * via the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `Iterable` was previously obtained from an implicit or
   * explicit call of `asIterable(scala.collection.Iterable)` then the original
   * Scala `Iterable` will be returned.
   * @param i The `Iterable` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala `Iterable`
   *         view of the argument.
  implicit def iterableAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i : jl.Iterable[A]): AsScala[Iterable[A]] =
    new AsScala(iterableAsScalaIterable(i))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Collection` to
   * an Scala `Iterable`.
   * If the Java `Collection` was previously obtained from an implicit or
   * explicit call of `asCollection(scala.collection.SizedIterable)` then
   * the original Scala `SizedIterable` will be returned.
   * @param i The `Collection` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala
   *        `SizedIterable` view of the argument.
  implicit def collectionAsScalaIterableConverter[A](i : ju.Collection[A]): AsScala[Iterable[A]] =
    new AsScala(collectionAsScalaIterable(i))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `List` to a
   * Scala mutable `Buffer`.
   * The returned Scala `Buffer` is backed by the provided Java `List` and
   * any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via
   * the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `List` was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit
   * call of `asList(scala.collection.mutable.Buffer)` then the original
   * Scala `Buffer` will be returned.
   * @param l The `List` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *        `Buffer` view of the argument.
  implicit def asScalaBufferConverter[A](l : ju.List[A]): AsScala[mutable.Buffer[A]] =
    new AsScala(asScalaBuffer(l))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Set` to a
   * Scala mutable `Set`.
   * The returned Scala `Set` is backed by the provided Java `Set` and any
   * side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via
   * the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `Set` was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit
   * call of `asSet(scala.collection.mutable.Set)` then the original
   * Scala `Set` will be returned.
   * @param s The `Set` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *         `Set` view of the argument.
  implicit def asScalaSetConverter[A](s : ju.Set[A]): AsScala[mutable.Set[A]] =
    new AsScala(asScalaSet(s))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Map` to a Scala
   * mutable `Map`. The returned Scala `Map` is backed by the provided Java
   * `Map` and any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will
   * be visible via the Java interface and vice versa.
   * If the Java `Map` was previously obtained from an implicit or explicit
   * call of `asMap(scala.collection.mutable.Map)` then the original
   * Scala `Map` will be returned.
   * If the wrapped map is synchronized (e.g. from `java.util.Collections.synchronizedMap`),
   * it is your responsibility to wrap all 
   * non-atomic operations with `underlying.synchronized`.
   * This includes `get`, as `java.util.Map`'s API does not allow for an
   * atomic `get` when `null` values may be present.
   * @param m The `Map` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *         `Map` view of the argument.
  implicit def mapAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](m : ju.Map[A, B]): AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]] =
    new AsScala(mapAsScalaMap(m))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `ConcurrentMap`
   * to a Scala mutable `concurrent.Map`. The returned Scala `concurrent.Map` is
   * backed by the provided Java `ConcurrentMap` and any side-effects of using
   * it via the Scala interface will be visible via the Java interface and
   * vice versa.
   * If the Java `ConcurrentMap` was previously obtained from an implicit or
   * explicit call of `mapAsScalaConcurrentMap(scala.collection.mutable.ConcurrentMap)`
   * then the original Scala `concurrent.Map` will be returned.
   * @param m The `ConcurrentMap` to be converted.
   * @return An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *         `concurrent.Map` view of the argument.
  implicit def mapAsScalaConcurrentMapConverter[A, B](m: juc.ConcurrentMap[A, B]): AsScala[concurrent.Map[A, B]] =
    new AsScala(mapAsScalaConcurrentMap(m))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Dictionary`
   * to a Scala mutable `Map[String, String]`. The returned Scala
   * `Map[String, String]` is backed by the provided Java `Dictionary` and
   * any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via
   * the Java interface and vice versa.
   * @param p The `Dictionary` to be converted.
   * @return  An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *          `Map[String, String]` view of the argument.
  implicit def dictionaryAsScalaMapConverter[A, B](p: ju.Dictionary[A, B]): AsScala[mutable.Map[A, B]] =
    new AsScala(dictionaryAsScalaMap(p))

   * Adds an `asScala` method that implicitly converts a Java `Properties`
   * to a Scala mutable `Map[String, String]`. The returned Scala
   * `Map[String, String]` is backed by the provided Java `Properties` and
   * any side-effects of using it via the Scala interface will be visible via
   * the Java interface and vice versa.
   * @param p The `Properties` to be converted.
   * @return  An object with an `asScala` method that returns a Scala mutable
   *          `Map[String, String]` view of the argument.
  implicit def propertiesAsScalaMapConverter(p: ju.Properties): AsScala[mutable.Map[String, String]] =
    new AsScala(propertiesAsScalaMap(p))