Scala Library: scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits
trait ProcessImplicits extends AnyRef
Provide implicit conversions for the factories offered by scala.sys.process.Process ‘s companion object. These implicits can then be used to decrease the noise in a pipeline of commands, making it look more shell-like. They are available through the package object scala.sys.process.
Value Members From scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits
implicit def builderToProcess(builder: JProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder
Implicitly convert a java.lang.ProcessBuilder
into a Scala one.
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
implicit def buildersToProcess[T](builders: Seq[T])(implicit convert: (T) ⇒ Source): Seq[Source]
Return a sequence of scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source from a sequence of
values for which an implicit conversion to Source
is available.
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
implicit def fileToProcess(file: File): FileBuilder
Implicitly convert a
into a
scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.FileBuilder, which can be used as either input
or output of a process. For example:
import scala.sys.process._
"ls" #> new"dirContents.txt") !
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
implicit def stringSeqToProcess(command: Seq[String]): ProcessBuilder
Implicitly convert a sequence of String
into a
scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder. The first argument will be taken to be the
command to be executed, and the remaining will be its arguments. When using
this, arguments may contain spaces.
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
implicit def stringToProcess(command: String): ProcessBuilder
Implicitly convert a String
into a scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
implicit def urlToProcess(url: URL): URLBuilder
Implicitly convert a
into a
scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.URLBuilder, which can be used as input to a
process. For example:
import scala.sys.process._
Seq("xmllint", "--html", "-") #< new"") #> new"fixed.html") !
(defined at scala.sys.process.ProcessImplicits)
Full Source:
/* __ *\
** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
** |/ **
\* */
package scala
package sys
package process
import processInternal._
import ProcessBuilder._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
/** Represents a process that is running or has finished running.
* It may be a compound process with several underlying native processes (such as `a #&& b`).
* This trait is often not used directly, though its companion object contains
* factories for [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]], the main component of this
* package.
* It is used directly when calling the method `run` on a `ProcessBuilder`,
* which makes the process run in the background. The methods provided on `Process`
* make it possible for one to block until the process exits and get the exit value,
* or destroy the process altogether.
* @see [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]]
trait Process {
/** Returns this process alive status */
def isAlive(): Boolean
/** Blocks until this process exits and returns the exit code.*/
def exitValue(): Int
/** Destroys this process. */
def destroy(): Unit
/** Methods for constructing simple commands that can then be combined. */
object Process extends ProcessImpl with ProcessCreation { }
/** Factories for creating [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]]. They can be
* found on and used through [[scala.sys.process.Process]]'s companion object.
trait ProcessCreation {
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a `String`, including the
* parameters.
* @example {{{ apply("cat file.txt") }}}
def apply(command: String): ProcessBuilder = apply(command, None)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a sequence of `String`,
* where the head is the command and each element of the tail is a parameter.
* @example {{{ apply("cat" :: files) }}}
def apply(command: Seq[String]): ProcessBuilder = apply(command, None)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a command represented by a `String`,
* and a sequence of `String` representing the arguments.
* @example {{{ apply("cat", files) }}}
def apply(command: String, arguments: Seq[String]): ProcessBuilder = apply(command +: arguments, None)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] with working dir set to `File` and extra
* environment variables.
* @example {{{ apply("java", new"/opt/app"), "CLASSPATH" -> "library.jar") }}}
def apply(command: String, cwd: File, extraEnv: (String, String)*): ProcessBuilder =
apply(command, Some(cwd), extraEnv: _*)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] with working dir set to `File` and extra
* environment variables.
* @example {{{ apply("java" :: javaArgs, new"/opt/app"), "CLASSPATH" -> "library.jar") }}}
def apply(command: Seq[String], cwd: File, extraEnv: (String, String)*): ProcessBuilder =
apply(command, Some(cwd), extraEnv: _*)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] with working dir optionally set to
* `File` and extra environment variables.
* @example {{{ apply("java", params.get("cwd"), "CLASSPATH" -> "library.jar") }}}
def apply(command: String, cwd: Option[File], extraEnv: (String, String)*): ProcessBuilder = {
apply(command.split("""\s+"""), cwd, extraEnv : _*)
// not smart to use this on windows, because CommandParser uses \ to escape ".
/*CommandParser.parse(command) match {
case Left(errorMsg) => error(errorMsg)
case Right((cmd, args)) => apply(cmd :: args, cwd, extraEnv : _*)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] with working dir optionally set to
* `File` and extra environment variables.
* @example {{{ apply("java" :: javaArgs, params.get("cwd"), "CLASSPATH" -> "library.jar") }}}
def apply(command: Seq[String], cwd: Option[File], extraEnv: (String, String)*): ProcessBuilder = {
val jpb = new JProcessBuilder(command.toArray: _*)
cwd foreach (jpb directory _)
extraEnv foreach { case (k, v) => jpb.environment.put(k, v) }
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a `java.lang.ProcessBuilder`.
* @example {{{
* apply((new java.lang.ProcessBuilder("ls", "-l")) directory new"user.home")))
* }}}
def apply(builder: JProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new Simple(builder)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a ``. This
* `ProcessBuilder` can then be used as a `Source` or a `Sink`, so one can
* pipe things from and to it.
def apply(file: File): FileBuilder = new FileImpl(file)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a ``. This
* `ProcessBuilder` can then be used as a `Source`, so that one can pipe things
* from it.
def apply(url: URL): URLBuilder = new URLImpl(url)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a `Boolean`. This can be
* to force an exit value.
def apply(value: Boolean): ProcessBuilder = apply(value.toString, if (value) 0 else 1)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a `String` name and a
* `Boolean`. This can be used to force an exit value, with the name being
* used for `toString`.
def apply(name: String, exitValue: => Int): ProcessBuilder = new Dummy(name, exitValue)
/** Creates a sequence of [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source]] from a sequence of
* something else for which there's an implicit conversion to `Source`.
def applySeq[T](builders: Seq[T])(implicit convert: T => Source): Seq[Source] =
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from one or more
* [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source]], which can then be
* piped to something else.
* This will concatenate the output of all sources. For example:
* {{{
* import scala.sys.process._
* import
* import
* import
* val spde = new URL("")
* val dispatch = new URL("")
* val build = new File("project/")
* cat(spde, dispatch, build) #| "grep -i scala" !
* }}}
def cat(file: Source, files: Source*): ProcessBuilder = cat(file +: files)
/** Creates a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]] from a non-empty sequence
* of [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source]], which can then be
* piped to something else.
* This will concatenate the output of all sources.
def cat(files: Seq[Source]): ProcessBuilder = {
files map ( reduceLeft (_ #&& _)
/** Provide implicit conversions for the factories offered by [[scala.sys.process.Process]]'s
* companion object. These implicits can then be used to decrease the noise in a pipeline
* of commands, making it look more shell-like. They are available through the package object
* [[scala.sys.process]].
trait ProcessImplicits {
import Process._
/** Return a sequence of [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.Source]] from a sequence
* of values for which an implicit conversion to `Source` is available.
implicit def buildersToProcess[T](builders: Seq[T])(implicit convert: T => Source): Seq[Source] = applySeq(builders)
/** Implicitly convert a `java.lang.ProcessBuilder` into a Scala one. */
implicit def builderToProcess(builder: JProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = apply(builder)
/** Implicitly convert a `` into a
* [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.FileBuilder]], which can be used as
* either input or output of a process. For example:
* {{{
* import scala.sys.process._
* "ls" #> new"dirContents.txt") !
* }}}
implicit def fileToProcess(file: File): FileBuilder = apply(file)
/** Implicitly convert a `` into a
* [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder.URLBuilder]] , which can be used as
* input to a process. For example:
* {{{
* import scala.sys.process._
* Seq("xmllint", "--html", "-") #< new"") #> new"fixed.html") !
* }}}
implicit def urlToProcess(url: URL): URLBuilder = apply(url)
/** Implicitly convert a `String` into a [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]]. */
implicit def stringToProcess(command: String): ProcessBuilder = apply(command)
/** Implicitly convert a sequence of `String` into a
* [[scala.sys.process.ProcessBuilder]]. The first argument will be taken to
* be the command to be executed, and the remaining will be its arguments.
* When using this, arguments may contain spaces.
implicit def stringSeqToProcess(command: Seq[String]): ProcessBuilder = apply(command)
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