Scala Library: scala.collection.generic
package generic
Type Members
trait AtomicIndexFlag extends Signalling
A mixin trait that implements index flag behaviour using atomic integers. The
operation is wait-free, while conditional set operations
and setIndexIfLesser
are lock-free and support only
monotonic changes.
trait BitSetFactory[Coll <: BitSet with BitSetLike[Coll]] extends AnyRef
type CanBuild[-Elem, +To] = CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Elem, To]
trait CanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] extends AnyRef
A base trait for builder factories.
- From
- the type of the underlying collection that requests a builder to be created.
- Elem
- the element type of the collection to be created.
- To
- the type of the collection to be created.
- Annotations
- @ implicitNotFound (msg =…)
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
- See also
- scala.collection.mutable.Builder
trait CanCombineFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] extends CanBuildFrom[From, Elem, To] with Parallel
A base trait for parallel builder factories.
- From
- the type of the underlying collection that requests a builder to be created.
- Elem
- the element type of the collection to be created.
- To
- the type of the collection to be created.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
type ClassManifestTraversableFactory[CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] = ClassTagTraversableFactory[CC]
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.10.0) use ClassTagTraversableFactory instead
abstract class ClassTagTraversableFactory[CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericClassTagCompanion[CC]
A template for companion objects of ClassTagTraversable
and subclasses
trait Clearable extends AnyRef
This trait forms part of collections that can be cleared with a clear() call.
- Source
- Version
- 2.10
- Since
- 2.10
class DefaultSignalling extends Signalling with VolatileAbort
This signalling implementation returns default values and ignores received signals.
class DelegatedContext extends DelegatedSignalling
Class implementing delegated signalling.
trait DelegatedSignalling extends Signalling
An implementation of the signalling interface using delegates.
trait FilterMonadic[+A, +Repr] extends Any
A template trait that contains just the map
, flatMap
, foreach
methods of trait TraversableLike
abstract class GenMapFactory[CC[A, B] <: GenMap[A, B] with GenMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends AnyRef
A template for companion objects of Map
and subclasses thereof.
abstract class GenSeqFactory[CC[X] <: GenSeq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of Seq and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class GenSetFactory[CC[X] <: GenSet[X] with GenSetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]
A template for companion objects of Set
and subclasses thereof.
abstract class GenTraversableFactory[CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]
A template for companion objects of Traversable
and subclasses thereof. This
class provides a set of operations to create Traversable
objects. It is
typically inherited by companion objects of subclasses of Traversable
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
type GenericClassManifestCompanion[+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] = GenericClassTagCompanion[CC]
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.10.0) use GenericClassTagCompanion instead
type GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] = GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate[A, CC]
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.10.0) use GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate instead
abstract class GenericClassTagCompanion[+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends AnyRef
This class represents companions of classes which require ClassTags for their element types.
trait GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]
This trait represents collections classes which require class tags for their element types.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class GenericCompanion[+CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] extends AnyRef
A template class for companion objects of “regular” collection classes represent
an unconstrained higher-kinded type. Typically such classes inherit from trait
- CC
- The type constructor representing the collection class.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
- See also
- scala.collection.generic.GenericTraversableTemplate
abstract class GenericOrderedCompanion[+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends AnyRef
This class represents companions of classes which require the ordered trait for their element types.
trait GenericOrderedTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]
This trait represents collections classes which require ordered element types.
- Source
trait GenericParCompanion[+CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends AnyRef
A template class for companion objects of parallel collection classes. They
should be mixed in together with GenericCompanion
trait GenericParMapCompanion[+CC[P, Q] <: ParMap[P, Q]] extends AnyRef
trait GenericParMapTemplate[K, +V, +CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y]] extends GenericParTemplate[(K, V), ParIterable]
trait GenericParTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: ParIterable[X]] extends GenericTraversableTemplate[A, CC] with HasNewCombiner[A, CC[A]]
A template trait for collections having a companion.
- A
- the element type of the collection
- CC
- the type constructor representing the collection class
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait GenericSeqCompanion[CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] extends GenericCompanion[CC]
trait GenericSetTemplate[A, +CC[X] <: GenSet[X]] extends GenericTraversableTemplate[A, CC]
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait GenericTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: GenTraversable[X]] extends HasNewBuilder[A, CC[A]]
A template class for companion objects of regular
collection classes that
represent an unconstrained higher-kinded type.
- A
- The type of the collection elements.
- CC
- The type constructor representing the collection class.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait Growable[-A] extends Clearable
This trait forms part of collections that can be augmented using a +=
and that can be cleared of all elements using a clear
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
trait HasNewBuilder[+A, +Repr] extends Any
trait HasNewCombiner[+T, +Repr] extends AnyRef
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class ImmutableMapFactory[CC[A, +B] <: immutable.Map[A, B] with immutable.MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends MapFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of immutable.Map
and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class ImmutableSetFactory[CC[X] <: immutable.Set[X] with SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends SetFactory[CC]
abstract class ImmutableSortedMapFactory[CC[A, B] <: immutable.SortedMap[A, B] with SortedMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends SortedMapFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of SortedMap
and subclasses thereof.
abstract class ImmutableSortedSetFactory[CC[A] <: immutable.SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A, CC[A]]] extends SortedSetFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of SortedSet
and subclasses thereof.
abstract class IndexedSeqFactory[CC[X] <: IndexedSeq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends SeqFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of IndexedSeq and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Since
- 2.11
trait IsSeqLike[Repr] extends AnyRef
Type class witnessing that a collection representation type Repr
has elements
of type A
and has a conversion to SeqLike[A, Repr]
This type enables simple enrichment of Seq
s with extension methods which can
make full use of the mechanics of the Scala collections framework in their
Example usage:
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r: SeqLike[A, Repr]) {
final def filterMap[B, That](f: A => Option[B])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That =
implicit def filterMap[Repr, A](r: Repr)(implicit fr: IsSeqLike[Repr]): FilterMapImpl[fr.A,Repr] =
new FilterMapImpl(fr.conversion(r))
val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) filterMap (i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
// == List(2, 4)
- Source
- See also
- scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike scala.collection.Seq
trait IsTraversableLike[Repr] extends AnyRef
A trait which can be used to avoid code duplication when defining extension
methods that should be applicable both to existing Scala collections (i.e.,
types extending GenTraversableLike
) as well as other (potentially
user-defined) types that could be converted to a Scala collection type. This
trait makes it possible to treat Scala collections and types that can be
implicitly converted to a collection type uniformly. For example, one can
provide extension methods that work both on collection types and on String
s (
s do not extend GenTraversableLike
, but can be converted to
provides two members:
- type member
, which represents the element type of the targetGenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
- value member
, which provides a way to convert between the type we wish to add extension methods to,Repr
, andGenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
One must provide IsTraversableLike
as an implicit parameter type of an
implicit conversion. Its usage is shown below. Our objective in the following
example is to provide a generic extension method mapReduce
to any type that
extends or can be converted to GenTraversableLike
. In our example, this
includes String
import scala.collection.GenTraversableLike
import scala.collection.generic.IsTraversableLike
class ExtensionMethods[A, Repr](coll: GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]) {
def mapReduce[B](mapper: A => B)(reducer: (B, B) => B): B = {
val iter = coll.toIterator
var res = mapper(
while (iter.hasNext)
res = reducer(res, mapper(
implicit def withExtensions[Repr](coll: Repr)(implicit traversable: IsTraversableLike[Repr]) =
new ExtensionMethods(traversable.conversion(coll))
// See it in action!
List(1, 2, 3).mapReduce(_ * 2)(_ + _) // res0: Int = 12
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.".mapReduce(x => 1)(_ + _) // res1: Int = 59
Here, we begin by creating a class ExtensionMethods
which contains our
extension method. Note that ExtensionMethods
takes a constructor
argument coll
of type GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
, where A
represents the
element type and Repr
represents (typically) the collection type. The
implementation of mapReduce
itself is straightforward.
The interesting bit is the implicit conversion withExtensions
, which returns
an instance of ExtensionMethods
. This implicit conversion can only be applied
if there is an implicit value traversable
of type IsTraversableLike[Repr]
scope. Since IsTraversableLike
provides value member conversion
, which
gives us a way to convert between whatever type we wish to add an extension
method to (in this case, Repr
) and GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
, we can now
convert coll
from type Repr
to GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
. This allows
us to create an instance of the ExtensionMethods
class, which we pass our new
GenTraversableLike[A, Repr]
When the mapReduce
method is called on some type of which it is not a member,
implicit search is triggered. Because implicit conversion withExtensions
generic, it will be applied as long as an implicit value of type
can be found. Given that IsTraversableLike
implicit members that return values of type IsTraversableLike
, this
requirement is typically satisfied, and the chain of interactions described in
the previous paragraph is set into action. (See the IsTraversableLike
companion object, which contains a precise specification of the available
Note : Currently, it’s not possible to combine the implicit conversion and the class with the extension methods into an implicit class due to limitations of type inference.
Implementing IsTraversableLike
for New Types
One must simply provide an implicit value of type IsTraversableLike
to the new type, or an implicit conversion which returns an instance of
specific to the new type.
Below is an example of an implementation of the IsTraversableLike
trait where
the Repr
type is String
implicit val stringRepr: IsTraversableLike[String] { type A = Char } =
new IsTraversableLike[String] {
type A = Char
val conversion = implicitly[String => GenTraversableLike[Char, String]]
- Source
- Since
- 2.10
trait IsTraversableOnce[Repr] extends AnyRef
Type class witnessing that a collection representation type Repr
has elements
of type A
and has a conversion to GenTraversableOnce[A]
This type enables simple enrichment of GenTraversableOnce
s with extension
methods which can make full use of the mechanics of the Scala collections
framework in their implementation.
Example usage,
class FilterMapImpl[A, Repr](val r: GenTraversableOnce[A]) {
final def filterMap[B, That](f: A => Option[B])(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = {
val b = cbf()
for(e <- r.seq) f(e) foreach (b +=)
implicit def filterMap[Repr, A](r: Repr)(implicit fr: IsTraversableOnce[Repr]): FilterMapImpl[fr.A,Repr] =
new FilterMapImpl[fr.A, Repr](fr.conversion(r))
val l = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) filterMap (i => if(i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)
// == List(2, 4)
- Source
- Since
- 2.10
trait IterableForwarder[+A] extends Iterable[A] with TraversableForwarder[A]
This trait implements a forwarder for iterable objects. It forwards all calls to a different iterable object, except for
- all calls creating a new iterable object of the same kind
The above methods are forwarded by subclass IterableProxy
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.11.0) Forwarding is inherently unreliable since it is not automated and methods can be forgotten.
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class MapFactory[CC[A, B] <: Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends GenMapFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of Map
and subclasses thereof.
abstract class MutableMapFactory[CC[A, B] <: mutable.Map[A, B] with mutable.MapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends MapFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of mutable.Map
and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class MutableSetFactory[CC[X] <: mutable.Set[X] with mutable.SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends SetFactory[CC]
abstract class MutableSortedMapFactory[CC[A, B] <: mutable.SortedMap[A, B] with SortedMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends SortedMapFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of SortedMap
and subclasses thereof.
- CC
- the type of the collection.
- Source
- Version
- 2.12
- Since
- 2.12
abstract class MutableSortedSetFactory[CC[A] <: mutable.SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A, CC[A]] with mutable.Set[A] with mutable.SetLike[A, CC[A]]] extends SortedSetFactory[CC]
abstract class OrderedTraversableFactory[CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericOrderedTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenericOrderedCompanion[CC]
abstract class ParFactory[CC[X] <: ParIterable[X] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC] with GenericParCompanion[CC]
A template class for companion objects of ParIterable
and subclasses thereof.
This class extends TraversableFactory
and provides a set of operations to
create ParIterable
abstract class ParMapFactory[CC[X, Y] <: ParMap[X, Y] with ParMapLike[X, Y, CC[X, Y], _]] extends GenMapFactory[CC] with GenericParMapCompanion[CC]
A template class for companion objects of ParMap
and subclasses thereof. This
class extends TraversableFactory
and provides a set of operations to create
abstract class ParSetFactory[CC[X] <: ParSet[X] with ParSetLike[X, CC[X], _] with GenericParTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenSetFactory[CC] with GenericParCompanion[CC]
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class SeqFactory[CC[X] <: Seq[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenSeqFactory[CC] with TraversableFactory[CC]
A template for companion objects of Seq and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait SeqForwarder[+A] extends Seq[A] with IterableForwarder[A]
This class implements a forwarder for sequences. It forwards all calls to a different sequence object except for
- all calls creating a new sequence of the same kind
The above methods are forwarded by subclass SeqProxy
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.11.0) Forwarding is inherently unreliable since it is not automated and new methods can be forgotten.
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class SetFactory[CC[X] <: Set[X] with SetLike[X, CC[X]]] extends GenSetFactory[CC] with GenericSeqCompanion[CC]
trait Shrinkable[-A] extends AnyRef
This trait forms part of collections that can be reduced using a -=
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
trait Signalling extends AnyRef
A message interface serves as a unique interface to the part of the collection capable of receiving messages from a different task.
One example of use of this is the find
method, which can use the signalling
interface to inform worker threads that an element has been found and no further
search is necessary.
trait Sizing extends AnyRef
A trait for objects which have a size.
trait Sorted[K, +This <: Sorted[K, This]] extends AnyRef
Any collection (including maps) whose keys (or elements) are ordered.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class SortedMapFactory[CC[A, B] <: SortedMap[A, B] with SortedMapLike[A, B, CC[A, B]]] extends AnyRef
A template for companion objects of mutable.Map and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
abstract class SortedSetFactory[CC[A] <: SortedSet[A] with SortedSetLike[A, CC[A]]] extends AnyRef
A template for companion objects of Set and subclasses thereof.
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait Subtractable[A, +Repr <: Subtractable[A, Repr]] extends AnyRef
This trait represents collection-like objects that can be reduced using a ‘+’
operator. It defines variants of -
and --
as convenience methods in terms of
single-element removal -
- A
- the type of the elements of the collection.
- Repr
- the type of the collection itself
- Self Type
- Subtractable [A, Repr]
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
class TaggedDelegatedContext extends DelegatedContext
Class implementing delegated signalling, but having its own distinct tag
trait TraversableFactory[CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] extends GenTraversableFactory[CC] with GenericSeqCompanion[CC]
A template for companion objects of Traversable
and subclasses thereof. This
class provides a set of operations to create Traversable
objects. It is
typically inherited by companion objects of subclasses of Traversable
- Source
- Since
- 2.8
trait TraversableForwarder[+A] extends Traversable[A]
This trait implements a forwarder for traversable objects. It forwards all calls to a different traversable, except for:
All calls creating a new traversable of the same kind.
- Annotations
- @ deprecated
- Deprecated
- (Since version 2.11.0) Forwarding is inherently unreliable since it is not automated and new methods can be forgotten.
- Source
- Version
- 2.8
- Since
- 2.8
trait VolatileAbort extends Signalling
A mixin trait that implements abort flag behaviour using volatile variables.
Value Members
object IdleSignalling extends DefaultSignalling
An object that returns default values and ignores received signals.
object IsSeqLike
object IsTraversableLike
object IsTraversableOnce
object SliceInterval
Full Source:
package scala
package collection
import scala.language.higherKinds
package object generic {
type CanBuild[-Elem, +To] = CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Elem, To]
@deprecated("use ClassTagTraversableFactory instead", "2.10.0")
type ClassManifestTraversableFactory[CC[X] <: Traversable[X] with GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate[X, CC]] = ClassTagTraversableFactory[CC]
@deprecated("use GenericClassTagCompanion instead", "2.10.0")
type GenericClassManifestCompanion[+CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] = GenericClassTagCompanion[CC]
@deprecated("use GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate instead", "2.10.0")
type GenericClassManifestTraversableTemplate[+A, +CC[X] <: Traversable[X]] = GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate[A, CC]
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