Scala Library: scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
class ForkJoinTaskSupport extends TaskSupport with AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks
A task support that uses a fork join pool to schedule tasks.
- Source
- See also
- scala.collection.parallel.TaskSupport for more information.
Type Members
class WrappedTask[R, Tp] extends RecursiveAction with AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks.WrappedTask[R, Tp] with AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks.WrappedTask[R, Tp]
- Definition Classes
- AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks
Value Members From scala.collection.parallel.AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks
def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]): WrappedTask[R, Tp]
- Definition Classes
- AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks → AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks → ForkJoinTasks
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks)
Instance Constructors From scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
new ForkJoinTaskSupport(environment: ForkJoinPool = ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool)
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport)
Value Members From scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
val environment: ForkJoinPool
The type of the environment is more specific in the implementations.
- Definition Classes
- ForkJoinTaskSupport → ForkJoinTasks → Tasks
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport)
Value Members From scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTasks
def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R
Executes a task on a fork/join pool and waits for it to finish. Returns its result when it does.
If the current thread is a fork/join worker thread, the task’s fork
will be invoked. Otherwise, the task will be executed on the fork/join pool.
- returns
- the result of the task
- Definition Classes
- ForkJoinTasks → Tasks
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTasks)
def execute[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): () ⇒ R
Executes a task and does not wait for it to finish - instead returns a future.
If the current thread is a fork/join worker thread, the task’s fork
will be invoked. Otherwise, the task will be executed on the fork/join pool.
- Definition Classes
- ForkJoinTasks → Tasks
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTasks)
def forkJoinPool: ForkJoinPool
The fork/join pool of this collection.
- Definition Classes
- ForkJoinTasks → HavingForkJoinPool
(defined at scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTasks)
Value Members From Implicit scala.collection.parallel.CollectionsHaveToParArray ——————————————————————————–
def toParArray: ParArray[T]
- Implicit information
- This member is added by an implicit conversion from ForkJoinTaskSupport to CollectionsHaveToParArray [ForkJoinTaskSupport, T] performed by method CollectionsHaveToParArray in scala.collection.parallel. This conversion will take place only if an implicit value of type (ForkJoinTaskSupport) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce [T] is in scope.
- Definition Classes
- CollectionsHaveToParArray (added by implicit convertion: scala.collection.parallel.CollectionsHaveToParArray)
Full Source:
/* __ *\
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package scala
package collection.parallel
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
/** A trait implementing the scheduling of a parallel collection operation.
* Parallel collections are modular in the way operations are scheduled. Each
* parallel collection is parametrized with a task support object which is
* responsible for scheduling and load-balancing tasks to processors.
* A task support object can be changed in a parallel collection after it has
* been created, but only during a quiescent period, i.e. while there are no
* concurrent invocations to parallel collection methods.
* There are currently a few task support implementations available for
* parallel collections. The [[scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport]]
* uses a fork-join pool internally.
* The [[scala.collection.parallel.ExecutionContextTaskSupport]] uses the
* default execution context implementation found in scala.concurrent, and it
* reuses the thread pool used in scala.concurrent.
* The execution context task support is set to each parallel collection by
* default, so parallel collections reuse the same fork-join pool as the
* future API.
* Here is a way to change the task support of a parallel collection:
* {{{
* import scala.collection.parallel._
* val pc = mutable.ParArray(1, 2, 3)
* pc.tasksupport = new ForkJoinTaskSupport(
* new java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool(2))
* }}}
* @see [[ Configuring Parallel Collections]] section
* on the parallel collection's guide for more information.
trait TaskSupport extends Tasks
/** A task support that uses a fork join pool to schedule tasks.
* @see [[scala.collection.parallel.TaskSupport]] for more information.
class ForkJoinTaskSupport(val environment: ForkJoinPool = ForkJoinTasks.defaultForkJoinPool)
extends TaskSupport with AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks
/** A task support that uses a thread pool executor to schedule tasks.
* @see [[scala.collection.parallel.TaskSupport]] for more information.
@deprecated("Use `ForkJoinTaskSupport` instead.", "2.11.0")
class ThreadPoolTaskSupport(val environment: ThreadPoolExecutor = ThreadPoolTasks.defaultThreadPool)
extends TaskSupport with AdaptiveWorkStealingThreadPoolTasks
/** A task support that uses an execution context to schedule tasks.
* It can be used with the default execution context implementation in the
* `scala.concurrent` package. It internally forwards the call to either a
* forkjoin based task support or a thread pool executor one, depending on
* what the execution context uses.
* By default, parallel collections are parametrized with this task support
* object, so parallel collections share the same execution context backend
* as the rest of the `scala.concurrent` package.
* @see [[scala.collection.parallel.TaskSupport]] for more information.
class ExecutionContextTaskSupport(val environment: ExecutionContext =
extends TaskSupport with ExecutionContextTasks
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