
trait Promise[T] extends AnyRef

Promise is an object which can be completed with a value or failed with an exception.

Abstract Value Members From scala.concurrent.Promise

abstract def future: Future[T]

Future containing the value of this promise.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

abstract def tryComplete(result: Try[T]): Boolean

Tries to complete the promise with either a value or the exception.

Note: Using this method may result in non-deterministic concurrent programs.

  • returns
    • If the promise has already been completed returns false , or true otherwise.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

Concrete Value Members From scala.concurrent.Promise

abstract def isCompleted: Boolean

Returns whether the promise has already been completed with a value or an exception.

Note: Using this method may result in non-deterministic concurrent programs.

  • returns
    • true if the promise is already completed, false otherwise

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

def complete(result: Try[T]): Promise.this.type

Completes the promise with either an exception or a value.

  • result
    • Either the value or the exception to complete the promise with. If the promise has already been fulfilled, failed or has timed out, calling this method will throw an IllegalStateException.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

final def completeWith(other: Future[T]): Promise.this.type

Completes this promise with the specified future, once that future is completed.

  • returns
    • This promise

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

def failure(cause: Throwable): Promise.this.type

Completes the promise with an exception.

  • cause
    • The throwable to complete the promise with. If the throwable used to fail this promise is an error, a control exception or an interrupted exception, it will be wrapped as a cause within an ExecutionException which will fail the promise. If the promise has already been fulfilled, failed or has timed out, calling this method will throw an IllegalStateException.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

def success(value: T): Promise.this.type

Completes the promise with a value.

  • value
    • The value to complete the promise with. If the promise has already been fulfilled, failed or has timed out, calling this method will throw an IllegalStateException.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

final def tryCompleteWith(other: Future[T]): Promise.this.type

Attempts to complete this promise with the specified future, once that future is completed.

  • returns
    • This promise

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

def tryFailure(cause: Throwable): Boolean

Tries to complete the promise with an exception.

Note: Using this method may result in non-deterministic concurrent programs.

  • returns
    • If the promise has already been completed returns false , or true otherwise.

(defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

def trySuccess(value: T): Boolean

Tries to complete the promise with a value.

Note: Using this method may result in non-deterministic concurrent programs.

  • returns
    • If the promise has already been completed returns false , or true otherwise. (defined at scala.concurrent.Promise)

Full Source:

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.concurrent

import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }

/** Promise is an object which can be completed with a value or failed
 *  with an exception.
 *  @define promiseCompletion
 *  If the promise has already been fulfilled, failed or has timed out,
 *  calling this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
 *  @define allowedThrowables
 *  If the throwable used to fail this promise is an error, a control exception
 *  or an interrupted exception, it will be wrapped as a cause within an
 *  `ExecutionException` which will fail the promise.
 *  @define nonDeterministic
 *  Note: Using this method may result in non-deterministic concurrent programs.
trait Promise[T] {
  /** Future containing the value of this promise.
  def future: Future[T]

  /** Returns whether the promise has already been completed with
   *  a value or an exception.
   *  $nonDeterministic
   *  @return    `true` if the promise is already completed, `false` otherwise
  def isCompleted: Boolean

  /** Completes the promise with either an exception or a value.
   *  @param result     Either the value or the exception to complete the promise with.
   *  $promiseCompletion
  def complete(result: Try[T]): this.type =
    if (tryComplete(result)) this else throw new IllegalStateException("Promise already completed.")

  /** Tries to complete the promise with either a value or the exception.
   *  $nonDeterministic
   *  @return    If the promise has already been completed returns `false`, or `true` otherwise.
  def tryComplete(result: Try[T]): Boolean

  /** Completes this promise with the specified future, once that future is completed.
   *  @return   This promise
  final def completeWith(other: Future[T]): this.type = tryCompleteWith(other)

  /** Attempts to complete this promise with the specified future, once that future is completed.
   *  @return   This promise
  final def tryCompleteWith(other: Future[T]): this.type = {
    if (other ne this.future) { // this tryCompleteWith this doesn't make much sense
      other.onComplete(this tryComplete _)(Future.InternalCallbackExecutor)

  /** Completes the promise with a value.
   *  @param value The value to complete the promise with.
   *  $promiseCompletion
  def success(@deprecatedName('v) value: T): this.type = complete(Success(value))

  /** Tries to complete the promise with a value.
   *  $nonDeterministic
   *  @return    If the promise has already been completed returns `false`, or `true` otherwise.
  def trySuccess(value: T): Boolean = tryComplete(Success(value))

  /** Completes the promise with an exception.
   *  @param cause    The throwable to complete the promise with.
   *  $allowedThrowables
   *  $promiseCompletion
  def failure(@deprecatedName('t) cause: Throwable): this.type = complete(Failure(cause))

  /** Tries to complete the promise with an exception.
   *  $nonDeterministic
   *  @return    If the promise has already been completed returns `false`, or `true` otherwise.
  def tryFailure(@deprecatedName('t) cause: Throwable): Boolean = tryComplete(Failure(cause))

object Promise {
  /** Creates a promise object which can be completed with a value.
   *  @tparam T       the type of the value in the promise
   *  @return         the newly created `Promise` object
  def apply[T](): Promise[T] = new impl.Promise.DefaultPromise[T]()

  /** Creates an already completed Promise with the specified exception.
   *  @tparam T       the type of the value in the promise
   *  @return         the newly created `Promise` object
  def failed[T](exception: Throwable): Promise[T] = fromTry(Failure(exception))

  /** Creates an already completed Promise with the specified result.
   *  @tparam T       the type of the value in the promise
   *  @return         the newly created `Promise` object
  def successful[T](result: T): Promise[T] = fromTry(Success(result))

  /** Creates an already completed Promise with the specified result or exception.
   *  @tparam T       the type of the value in the promise
   *  @return         the newly created `Promise` object
  def fromTry[T](result: Try[T]): Promise[T] = impl.Promise.KeptPromise[T](result)