If you want to round numbers to a specified number of significant figures, you can do this with the logarithm functions.
For example, rounding the following numbers to two digits would do the following:
10;10 15;15 105;100 109;100 997;990 105050;100000 123456;120000 193456;190000
Here is the SQL – note the “-1” needs to be off by one from how many digits you want: -1 gives you two digits.
with test as (
select 10 val
union all select 15
union all select 105
union all select 109
union all select 997
union all select 105050
union all select 123456
union all select 193456
(10 ^ floor(log(val)-1))) *
(10 ^ floor(log(val)-1))
from test
If you want to use this with pg_size_pretty you’ll also need to cast it:
with test as (
select 10 val
union all select 15
union all select 105
union all select 109
union all select 997
union all select 105050
union all select 123456
union all select 193456
(floor(content_size /
(10 ^ floor(log(val)-1))) *
(10 ^ floor(log(val)-1)))::bigint)
from test
This would give you:
10;"10 bytes" 15;"15 bytes" 105;"100 bytes" 109;"100 bytes" 997;"990 bytes" 105050;"98 kB" 123456;"117 kB" 193456;"186 kB"