Gary Sieling

Lodash: reverse a map

The following code snippet will take a Javascript object, and swap the keys and values. In order to handle duplicates, the result puts values into arrays.

For instance, this object:

let categories = {
  "History": {
    "Political History": {},
    "20th century history": {}
  "Politics": {
    "Political History": {},
    "American Politics": {}

Turns into this:

  "Political History": ["History", "Politics"],
  "20th century history": ["History"],
  "American Politics": ["Politics"]

Code example:

      k1 =>
          k2 => [k2, k1] 
  tuple => tuple[0]), 
  (v) => 
      v => _.filter(
             (value, idx) => idx % 2 == 1)
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