You can get log entries for every vacuum in Postgres by enabling this setting in postgresql.conf:
Obviously you may prefer to increase the timing too, if you get a lot of entries. This is what the log entries look like:
automatic vacuum of table "db.pg_catalog.pg_class": index scans: 1 pages: 0 removed, 143 remain tuples: 204 removed, 4498 remain buffer usage: 463 hits, 87 misses, 131 dirtied avg read rate: 1.654 MB/s, avg write rate: 2.490 MB/s system usage: CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.41 sec
For monitoring purposes it is helpful to extract all these values. In testing this, I found that “system usage” was not always reported, so there are actually two regexes:
automatic vacuum of table "(?P<vacuum_table_database>[^"]*)\.
index scans: (?P<vacuum_index_scans>\d*).*pages:
(?P<vacuum_pages_removed>\d*) removed,
(?P<vacuum_pages_remain>\d*) remain.*tuples:
(?P<vacuum_tuples_removed>\d*) removed,
(?P<vacuum_tuples_remain>\d*) remain.*buffer usage:
(?P<vacuum_buffer_usage_hits>\d*) hits,
(?P<vacuum_buffer_usage_misses>\d*) misses,
(?P<vacuum_buffer_usage_dirtied>\d*) dirtied.*
avg read rate: (?P<vacuum_avg_read_rate>[0-9.]*)
avg write rate: (?P<vacuum_avg_write_rate>[0-9.]*)
.*system usage: CPU (?P<vacuum_cpu_seconds>[0-9.]*)s.
(?P<vacuum_cpu_time>[0-9.]*)u sec elapsed